Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Business Partnership



Partnership Meeting

Tuesday 18th March 2008 5.30 p.m.

At Danny's Pie and Mash, High Road, Barkingside





1                    Apologies for Absence

2                    Chairman's Opening Remarks

3                    Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th January '08 and Matters Arising


4                    Martin Nevill to update on Carnival

5                    Sgt Chandler update on crime in Barkingside

To include the following:

CCTV when will it be operational, will this push problems into the alleyways and side streets?
Police sirens in the High Street t.
Stabbings in the High Sreet.
Burglaries in the High Street.

6                    The Way Forward


7                    Any other business

8                   Dates of Future Meetings - TBC

-     Tuesday 20th May
-     Tuesday 15th July
-     Tuesday 2nd September (AGM)
-     Tuesday 11th November


Contact:                        Barkingside Business Partnership                                                (


She said what? About who? Shameful celebrity quotes on Search Star!

Dear Fellow Traders and Partnership Members 

How has business been so far this year?  If you are having a good start to the year then you are in the minority and good luck to you?  It seems the Majority of businesses in the High Street are having a very quiet time and we can all see the increase of shops becoming empty.  This is not good for the future of Barkingside, so we should all start reflecting on our businesses and what future we have in Barkingside.

Why did you start your own business?  Well surely the first criteria is to make money, have a comfortable living and get all the good things out of life, by crossing the threshold of working for someone and being your own boss.  We all deserve a pat on the back for taking this brave move in the hope of living a good life. Running your own business is not a walk in the park and unfortunately choosing Barkingside may have been a wrong move for some of us.


Because Barkingside has been dying for years and the partnership was formed to try and stop the rot, it maybe to late for some businesses but change is beginning to happen and this has taken a lot of hard work, from a group of five committee members of the partnership, who have put a hell of a lot of work in building up the partnership and dealing with the council etc.  This has all been done in our own time and although we still have our businesses to worry about, we do this work because we have the passion to save Barkingside. 

The council has been listening to us because we have heckled and pressurised them.  They have been forced to sit up and listen but this is not going to continue unless we all become more united and fight for our businesses together, as they are beginning to see by the poor attendance at our meetings that no one really cares. 

What have we achieved so Far?  

1.     They have started putting up the CCTV cameras which should be operational by the end of the month, this would not have happened without the Partnership.                                           2.    We have new lamp posts and benches being installed in April again under partnership pressure.                                                                                                                                         3.    There is to be an extensive regeneration project consultation in which we will play a major part.                                                                                                                                                    4.    There is now a very strong possibility that a Major retail store is coming to the High Street which through our discussions with our MP, if this happens, will vastly improve our High Street.             5.    We have a new cleaning machine to keep the streets tidy                                                   6.    We had a fantastic switch on for the 2007 Christmas lights event which was attended by over 1000 people (this has never happened before).  Through this we have increased the profile of the High Street via the BBC and local Radio.

A lot more can be achieved in the future but we must all come together to make this happen.  If we don't then this will be the end of the road for the partnership.

The next Partnership meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th March at 5.30pm at the Pie and Mash Shop.  We need more businesses to attend this meeting and show support.  Some of the businesses who have supported and been at the forefront of getting things changed are now questioning other businesses commitment to saving our businesses and High Street. 

So please spare a couple of hours of your time on the 18th to share your views and show you care what happens to your business in Barkingside.

I would also like to thank the businesses who have attended every meeting.

Paul Burke  



She said what? About who? Shameful celebrity quotes on Search Star!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Subject: RE: UPDATE
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 19:46:53 +0000

Dear Lee
Could you update us on your meeting this week and I have cc you in my email to Cllr Prince

   Paul Burke
Barkingside Business Partnership

Subject: UPDATE
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 13:01:12 +0000

Dear All just a update to say that businesses I have been speaking too are coming to meet with me next week I will update you of progress but it is a promising if they are coming to see me Warmest Regards Lee

Everything in one place. All new Windows Live!

Everything in one place. All new Windows Live!

arranging a meeting

Dear Keith

Hope you are well

Could we please arrange a meeting with you and Lee Scott on a Friday at your earliest convenience to discuss the issuses below.
In the meantime could I please have the case number or reference for the enforcement notices served on Elite and Rowans so we can raise them with the planning inspectorate and keep an eye on there progress
Many thanks

Paul Burke
Barkingside Business Partnership


Subject: RE:
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 15:58:33 +0000

Dear Paul

Beverley and I have sat down together and discussed the best way forward regarding the issues you raised many of which will take some time to get answers or action on.

I have approach the relevant Cabinet Member regarding The Carnival and use of Craven Car Park. He is considering both proposals.

I am awaiting a response re Health and Safety checks

With regard to Food Safety the premises were inspected and they were found to be satisfactory.

Re the pool Plaza I have spoken to the Chief Officer and he has no problem with the Partnership using it but the Plaza is not suitable for heavy plant or equipment nor cars etc. He will expect a deposit if activities are planned which involve heavy equipment because there is a risk that the participants might unload their vehicles on the plaza and thus damage it.

Beverly and I have discussed this and we feel the way forward may be to look at events such as performing arts and street acts which would pose no risk to the plaza.

Beverley will pursue the issue of Seating and Hanging baskets, and update you re CCTV

She will also, as she was involved with the Hainault Business Partnership BID, arrange a briefing session with you re this.

I think if you can give us a couple more weeks we can arrange another meeting with perhaps yourselves Lee,Beverley and me then we should have more answers and suggestions on the way forward and at that meeting maybe Bev can do the BID brief.

Hope all is well otherwise.

Kind regards

Councillor Keith Prince
Barkingside Ward
Cabinet Member
Planning, Regeneration & The Environment

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Burke []
Sent: 14 February 2008 9:44 am

Dear Keith
Could you please update the Partnership on our meeting with yourself and Lee Scott on Friday 1st February.
Paul Burke
Barkingside Business Partnership


She said what? About who? Shameful celebrity quotes on Search Star!


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