Wednesday, November 21, 2007

FW: [Your Barkingside] Planning application 2998/07 105 high Street Barkingside

We as a partnership would like to object to the change of usage at the above premises for the following reasons:

In considering this application the planning section of the council will be using the principle planning policies UDP CC14 and LDF R3

In policy CC14 it states:

Proposals that result in more than 15m of adjoining frontage being in use for the purpose other than A1 would be refused.

Taking the application as the centre block no more than 15 metres out of 30m should be non A1 use.

With an A3 premises either side, clearly the proposed change does not comply with the above criteria contained in Policy CC14.

In policy LDF R3 it states:

The retail role remains predominant. As a General guideline the proportion of A1 units shall be no less than 70 %, the figure for Barkingside is now in the low 60% ratio of A1 usage so retail is not in the predominate role.

I would also mention there is now an over proliferation of A3 Usage in Barkingside High Street.

Please also refer to policy BF 22 and would show concerns that this extraction system affects next door neighbours and the external extract flue is dissimilar to other flues located to rear of properties along Barkingside High Street and is therefore not consistent with policy BF1 and BF22 and I would suggest is not in a safe condition and raises the concern regarding local residents safety.

I would also like to raise why no planning permission has been applied for when changing the shop front?

My last referral is to the previous application which was made on these premises for change of usage,

And the decision made by the Regional Planning Committee North and I have extracted the result below

Regional Planning Committee North (Aldborough, Barkingside, Clayhall, Fairlop, Fullwell and Hainault)
Wednesday, 9th May, 2007 7.15 p.m.


Mr. Stavros Nicola

105 High Street, Barkingside.

Decision: Refused planning permission.

The proposal which involves the loss of a retail unit within the Town Centre would result in an over-concentration of non-retail uses harming the vitality and viability of the retail function of the retail parade, contrary to Policy CC14 of this Council’s Unitary Development Plan.

I would also hope that this application is not referred to Regional Planning Committee North for consideration as the previous application has already been refused and this would be a waste of the Committees time.

Posted By working for the good of Barkingside to Your Barkingside at 11/21/2007 04:27:00 PM

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