Saturday, September 22, 2007


Barkingside Business Partnership

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 28th August, in Danny’s Pie & Mash, High Road, Barkingside
Cllr. Mrs Candy LBR, David Swaint Barkingside 21, Cllr. Harry Moth LBR, Elliott James James Shoe Care, Paul Burke Danny’s Pie & Mash, Pravesh Dodo Lounge, Martn neville pizza hut,
Angela Hellis Tootsies, Goutam Supha KFC, Anita Freeman KFC, John Sharwell Barkingside 21,
Loraine Outlet Alan Howe Barkingside 21, Rhonda Stewart Danny's Pie and Mash, Daniel Kaye Home Hardware, Tony Binder Army & Navy, John Trevillion Metropolitan Police Service, Reg Woda LBR – Partnership Support 5 Other members Members

1. Apologies for Absence

MP Lee Scott, Cllr Hayes, Cllr Ryan, Inspector Chandler, hI-Tide, Macdonalds, Gripsure tyres, Natwest, T mobile,

2. Welcome and Introductions
· The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting and spoke enthusiastically of the proposed action plan for Barkingside and the way forward.
· He informed the meeting of the successful implementation of the Business Partnership website and facility it offered members to promote their shops and be involved in a discount scheme. Initial costs for the website were £70, which would be recovered by sales initiatives.
· The members were urged to promote the website and the discount scheme in their shop windows.
· The website was very versatile and to date 78 hits had been recorded.
· For further information contact Martin on
· The meeting was informed that the website would be updated for Christmas.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were approved and matters arising would be covered by agenda items.

4. Financial Report
· The meeting discussed the present level of member subscriptions and it was resolved that this would be reviewed to provide the partnership with a more substantial financial basis to conduct members’ business.
· Members were informed that the Christmas Lights scheme would cost approximately £8000 and this must be funded by members’ contributions and a matched funding resource from the Regeneration Service of up to £2500 and further support from the Area Committee.
· The meeting approved a resolution for a Christmas Lights fundraising drive to raise £1000.
· The current financial situation showed £1300 in the partnership bank account.
· The switch-on of the Christmas Lights in the High Road was planned for Friday 16th November and more details would be available at the next meeting and a small sub-committee was formed to plan this event.

5. Crime, Grime and Other Issues
· The Chairman introduced John Trevillion, MPS, Barkingside’s Crime Prevention Officer.
· The meeting heard of the need to share information across the Borough and issues raised elsewhere would be brought to the partnership’s notice.
· He recognised that Barkingside has its own specific problems and these were being addressed.
· Problems of youth anti-social behaviour and gangs collecting in the High Road were discussed by members.
· The CPO offered members and their staff a workshop to help deal with the problem of abusive customers and similar offences.
· The meting discussed the proposed extension to the borough's CCTV scheme, but cameras in the High Road would drive offenders into the alleys off the main road and raise new problems. CCTV though an asset sometimes brought with it a deflection in crime.
· Members were offered the opportunity at a future date to visit the borough’s CCTV centre in Ley Street, to learn more about the system.

6. Any Other Business
· The meeting heard of planning issues that were of concern:
1. Rowans were in breach and an enforcement notice was in place until the 17th October.
2. Nos. 105, 47, 112 were also subjects of planning concern and the partnership had a watching brief.
· The sale of liquor to under age persons was of concern and members should be advised of the law and be alert to their responsibilities.
· The members were interested in the development of a working relationship with the members of the Area Committee.
· The meeting was updated on the regeneration plans for the Fullwell Cross roundabout and its immediate area and members took part in a lively debate on this issue.
· The Action Plan referred to in the Chairman’s Opening Remarks was tabled and copies circulated for future comment.
· A market for Pre-Christmas in Barkingside was being investigated.

8. Date of Next Meeting
Monday 1st October – Danny’s Pie and Mash, High Road, Barkingside

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