Saturday, February 16, 2008


  1. Barkingside Business Partnership
  • Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 29th January in Danny’s Pie & Mash, High Road, Barkingside
  • Attendees

    Cllr. Ted Griffin LBR Cllr. Brian Waite LBR
    Cllr. Harry Moth LBR Martin Nevill Pizza Hut
    John Loizou McDonald’s Jan Wylde Barclays
    Paul Burke Danny’s Pie & Mash A Nagpal Pound Plus World

    Christina Tomlinson Specsavers Tony Binder Army & Navy
    L Macatonia Outlet Barry Yosis Bagels
    Daniel Kaye Home Hardware Surinder Abshar

    Reg Woda LBR – Partnership Support

    1. Apologies for Absence

    Cllr. A Candy; Cllr. N Hayes

    2. Chairman’s Opening Remarks

    The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting and indicated that there was a series of matters worth debating. He hoped members would support the Partnership’s vision for the High Road in 2008.

    3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

    Minutes accepted as a true record of the last meeting held on 26th October 2007.

    4. Matters Arising

    · Members congratulated the team for the organisation of the switch on event. Comments received had been most favourable; press coverage also provided an excellent report that promoted the area. It was, all agreed, a most successful event and would provide the basis for planning in 2008.

    · Christmas lights were accepted as a reasonable scheme and despite the odd bulb not working during the period, gave the High Road a Christmas feel.

    · The meeting discussed the procedure for delivering the Christmas lights programme across the borough and the method of funding the process.

    · Members urged the local authority to identify a corporate budget with contributions from local businesses as part of the process. This would be followed at meetings planned for February 2008 and would be reported on at the next partnership meeting.

    · A plan for new lamp posts and street furniture was being installed by TFL and would be implemented in April. Members heard that details were available and would be updated in the near future.

    · Current works on footpaths were causing some inconvenience to traders and shoppers but hopefully the overall effect of new upgrading to street lighting and footpaths would refresh the street scene.

    · The question of car parking was again raised and members identified that as the Craven Gardens Car Park was under used, would a reduced fee rate be considered to encourage a better uptake?

    · Members were urged to conduct a survey for a month to produce evidence of low car usage that would support a petition for a review of car park charges.

    · The meeting was also critical of non enforcement of illegal parking and abuse of disabled parking provision and recommended that the police take a more active role in enforcing the law.

    · Details of the excellent performance of the MPS in Redbridge indicated lower levels of crime in 2007 and in some areas of crime perpetrated the Borough was the best achiever in the London area.

    5. Finance Report

    · The meeting was informed that the Partnership’s finances were in good order, after expenses for the Christmas period were covered.

    · A payment of £1000 was due to be paid as the Partnership’s contribution towards the Christmas Lights Scheme.

    · After which the balance in hand would be £1607, which included a pledge of £500 still to be collected.

    · The Treasurer emphasised that an annual fee of membership would be set at £50 and higher contributions from national corporate bodies would be sought.

    · In view of the excellent work done over Christmas along with the news letter, the web site, new members should be able to recognise the value of membership for 2008 and be encouraged to join the Partnership.

    · Funding of Christmas Lights reported earlier. Hanging baskets would be reinstated this year, depending upon cost, in time for the summer season (May).

    · At this point the meeting discussed best practices in communication within the Council and how to maintain a valued dialogue with key decision makers.

    · Business partnerships were the direct responsibility of the Planning and Regeneration Service. The Chief Officer is Mark Dorfman and Head of Regeneration is Mark Lucas. Cabinet Portfolio holder for Planning and Regeneration is Cllr Keith Prince. Beverley Stratton, Project Manager, and Reg Woda were the reference points to facilitate meeting to meeting feed back etc.

    · The Partnership was urged to use these contacts as their first port of call in all instances.

    6. Events and Activities

    · The meeting was informed that a range of activities was being considered for this year.

    · Difficulties concerning the areas in front of the Library and Swimming Pool need to be resolved.

    · This would be followed up and reported to the Partnership in the near future.

    · All agreed that this area provided the best community space and needed to be in use as quickly as possible.

    · Street markets although not a success in the Craven Gardens Car Park would do better elsewhere. This would be looked into and reported back to the Partnership.

    · Consideration for a summer carnival would be researched and a small working party set up.

    · An invitation to Alison Selby, an officer in the Leisure Services Unit, would be extended to help plan an event in Barkingside for the summer.

    7. Any Other Business

    · Members of the Partnership were asked to consider a morning meeting for the future.

    · Evidence from other business partnerships indicated that business people were more prepared to attend meetings during business hours and not at the end of a working day.

    · Meeting closed at 7.00pm.

    8. Date of Next Meeting

    Tuesday 18th March – Danny’s Pie and Mash, High Road, Barkingside at 5.30pm.

  • Wednesday, February 13, 2008

    Summer Carnival in Barkingside

    Hi All
    We are looking at having a Summer Carnival this year and we hope to get every ones ideas and everyone (who wants to be) involved...
    Speaking to people in the High Street this last two weeks after our Partnership meeting it seems that there are some great ideas that we can really implement this Summer and put Barkingside on the Map in a Major way, and really upstage our Christmas event.
    So we are not looking for money we are looking at ideas and some support in making this event happen, so if anyone has any ideas that can help us bring this event to life then please contact Martin on and we will get you involved as much or as little as you would like.
    Remember this is our High Street, let us not wait for consumers to come to us let us drag them in by making them want to come.
    We are looking at the back end of Summer, on a Sunday afternoon. We are looking to close the High Street from Baron Gardens traffic lights to the traffic lights at the Police Station to culminate in the park.
    This is in the preliminary stages at the moment but things are moving fast lets roll with it and make it happen

    Sounds like? How many syllables? Guess and win prizes with Search Charades!

    Wednesday, February 6, 2008

    FW: Woolworths

    Woolworths is the latest retailer announcing poorer than hoped for Christmas sales in a mixed market. They will be closing their York store this week, reportedly saying High Street rates were to blame.

    It’s about time the government woke up and realized that the multiple stores that sell everything a high street sells will destroy the small business for ever. With ever increasing rates and rents and harder parking the high street days are numbered.

    Its time the Government woke up.


    Tuesday, February 5, 2008

    Supplementary Business Rates

    Supplementary Business Rates

    The Government issued a White Paper recommending that local authorities be given a new power to increase the business rate by up to 2p in the pound to finance investment in local infrastructure and other economic development activities. The impact of a levy of this size nationally could increase the sector’s liability by as much as £130m per annum. The retail sector already contributes £4.5bn per annum to Government in business rates or 25% of all rates receipts, which is more than any other sector and already a considerable financial burden.

    The BRC opposes supplementary business rates since property occupation is no indication of the benefits to be derived from such investments. We are not satisfied that the safeguards for businesses set out in the White Paper will prevent extensive abuse by local authorities.

    We will continue to work with other business representative groups to campaign against the introduction of this inequitable tax