Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Planning Update

Basically, the Committee agreed the change of use for UK Salon to be an Estate Agents and referred the other application Halifax Building Society to Regulatory Committee to explore the retention of 35 as A1 use under a S.106 agreement. This has to be done at Regulatory, as Regional Planning Committees do not have the powers to consider S.106's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Do we really need another estate agent in the High Street. How boring is that - it is really quite dreary. I realise it is difficult in these times and with the cost of things, but how about trying to encourage something else - I really miss Quills. Why not ask the public what they would like - or has this been done??? I can't remember. We don't need any more cafes etc. or clothes shops. There is certainly a great variety of such stores. But we certainly do not need another estate agent flogging or letting high cost homes.

You can pass this on to who ever!!!!!

I thought these were extinct - obviously not